Step one is to have a plan. If you don't have a plan then you are planning to fail. I cannot emphasize this enough. What are your goals? Do you want to get stronger? Do you want to lose weight?
The next step is to write a program or find a fitness professional that can write a program that addresses the changes you will need to make to accomplish your goals. Plumbers fix your toilet, roofers repair your roof and accountants prepare your tax return. Investing in an experienced, certified fitness professional will allow you to create a program that gets you the best results in the shortest
amount of time. It’s what we do and I would be willing to bet that I can help you find at least 10 ways we can make your workout better in only one session.
Step three: you have to eat clean! “Nick, I know what to do, I just don't do it...” is a quote I hear from almost every new client. Proper nutrition is more than just knowing what foods to eat. It also means changing the behaviors that make it easy to resort back to a bad diet. My advice on nutrition is to choose goals that are easily attainable and allow you to build on them from week to week. For
example, a good goal is to add more fruits and veggies to your daily diet. Instead of saying, “I’m going to eat 6-9 servings every day!” Start with “I’m going to add 1 fruit or veggie to each meal”. Once that goal is a habit, you can increase the next week to adding one more fruit or veggie a day. See? It is easy to attain and easy to progress from week to week. I also recommend speaking with a Registered
Dietitian who has experience with weight loss and sports nutrition.
Step four; I want you to go to sleep. Seriously. No one thinks about the importance of recovery. We break down muscle in the gym so that it can rebuild itself stronger than before. Sleep is when your body releases growth hormone to re-build lean muscle, as well as making the connections in your brain to make your new habits and knowledge permanent. You could have the best trainer, program and
facility but without proper rest you won’t get the best results. I'm talking about giving not only your body time to relax, but also your brain. Exercise is as mentally taxing as it is physically. Get your sleep. I know it's not always easy but strive to get 7 1⁄2 to 8 hours every night.
Step five is to be stubborn and be persistent. We live in a society that is wants it NOW! Fitness isn't a quick fix; it is a lifestyle. If you don't have the drive to push past the “This is too hard” or the “I'm not really seeing much in the way of results” then the plan, nutrition changes, recovery and all the goals will go out the window. Friends, exercise is going to be tough, changing the way you eat will be
very different than what you have done in the past. The first couple of weeks will be challenging. Don’t let negative self-talk derail you. Instead of saying “I am so sore” try “I am really feeling muscles I haven’t felt before so this must be working!” Even when you do everything right, you will probably not see physical change for 6-8 weeks. Focus on small victories to keep you motivated until you do.
Is this this the definitive list of fitness tips for your New Year? No. Every person who reads this may implement these tips in a slightly different way and that is okay. It isn’t “Nick’s Program.” It’s your program. All I do is give you the parameters, the structure and a gentle push down the path of change. The New Year is here. Stop making excuses and start making changes in your life. One of my
favorite quotes is “There is no food that tastes as good as Healthy feels!”
and 2 weeks of unlimited group training for $79.99. Call Nick at 314-FORWARD and get started today!