We all know Christmas decorations will be in Wal-Mart before Halloween. Apparently major retailers feel we need to get a jump on exterior illumination. I feel the same way about preventing holiday weight gain! Our challenge to you is to lose the weight often gained between Thanksgiving and New Years now instead of waiting for the New Year and here's how!
1. Drink more water: One the easiest things you can do to jump start weight loss is increase water consumption. Start with 20-40 ounces a day and slowly increase until you are are knocking back 2-3 20 ounce water bottles each day.
2. Eat breakfast: Your body has been on a 8 hour fast since the last time you ate. If you routinely rise at 6am and don't fuel until 9am, you just increased your fast to 11 hours. Your body needs fuel and it will break down muscle and store fat if you don't give it what it needs. This is the opposite of what you want to happen. If you are pressed for time a protein or meal
replacement shake is perfect!
3. Consume 20 grams of protein at each meal: Many eat very little protein at breakfast and 50 grams or more at dinner. The body needs protein but can only handle so much at a time. Spread it out over the course of the day. Your body will absorb it better and you will feel fuller reducing the risk of binge eating.
4. Ditch the simple sugars: Avoid cookies, cake, candy bars, soda and processed breads and pasta. This may be the number one thing you can do to jump start your weight loss and get off the carb roller coaster.
5. Exercise: Strength train, walk, jog, take a zumba class...just move and do it on a regular basis.
If you want lean, toned muscles you will need to lift weights and there is a formula that will yield faster results, but in the end, just be more physically active!
Why is exercise #5? Because as good as exercise is for you, weight loss happens when you combine exercise with good eating habits. You cannot out train a bad diet.
Most recently, one of our clients dropped over 40 pounds following these five tips. They aren't complicated but they are powerful tools that can help you prevent holiday pounds before they start!
What are your plans to prevent holiday weight gain?