Swimsuit season will happen!
How could this possibly slip on us again? Didn’t we just make our New Year’s Resolutions a few weeks ago (how are those going by the way)? The bad news is that pools are going to open and beach vacations will happen no matter what kind of shape you are in when they arrive. Time doesn’t stand still. The good news is that if you are ready to commit, we can have you looking and feeling your best by
the time the pool opens!
Your success will hinge on four key principles:
1. An appropriate exercise prescription
2. A clean nutrition strategy
3. Consistency
4. Patience
If you are brand new to these principles, you will need to be stricter as opposed to the person who has been working their program since January. But trust us when we say you can make great strides in eight weeks if you get serious and build a program that is both sustainable and affords you the ability to slowly add new changes to what you are doing. Are you ready? Let’s get after it!
Eat clean:
As a personal trainer it pains me to say that you can expedite your results not by more time in the gym but by revamping your eating habits. Why? Because while it may take you an hour to burn 600 calories it only takes minutes to consume that amount or more. Proper nutrition is key to whether or not you strut across the beach or stay covered up in that wrap and let’s be honest….strutting is a more fun.
Here are some tips to help you start the process.
✔ Eat 20 grams of protein at every meal
✔ If it grew in the ground or ran around, eat it (my way of saying avoid processed foods)
✔ Eat small meals/snacks and eat them frequently (every 3 hours)
✔ Eat within 30 minutes of waking and no more than 3 hours before you go to bed
✔ Eat the minimum number of calories for your gender at all times (women 1200 men 1600)
✔ When you exercise add 100-150 additional calories
✔ Drink half your body weight in water (ounces) everyday
✔ Meal prep
✔ Fruits and veggies - not processed sugars (not all carbs are equal)
✔ Supplement appropriately (multivitamin, fish oil, probiotics)
✔ Use convenience products like protein shakes or bars strategically and make sure they are clean products
Appropriate Exercise:
If you are already thinking “I need to get to the treadmill” you aren’t alone. Despite this being one of the least effective fat loss tools it is the most people migrate to. Why? My theory is because it is something we are comfortable doing (walking). Lifting weights, for many people new to exercise, is scary and intimidating but strength training will not only promote greater fat loss, you will increase muscle tone in the process.
The biggest problem with simply cutting calories is while you will lose weight that weight will be a 50/50 ratio of body fat to muscle. We don’t want muscle to go away. We want fat to go away so strength training is an absolute necessity. Here are some tips that will help you develop an exercise program that will boost fat loss and firm up your entire body:
✔ Don’t train body parts; train movements (push, pull, squat, rotate, etc)
✔ When you train, train the entire body
✔ Focus on large muscle groups and work your way down to small exercises
✔ Beginners should perform 16 sets per workout; advanced exercises 24-30 sets
✔ Focus on quality not quantity (avoid high volume programs)
✔ Add in short cardio intervals in between circuits to boost heart rate and promote fat loss
✔ Look to add 3% of work each session (add a few reps, another exercise or set)
If you want to be swimsuit ready you will need to perform this type of routine at least 3 days per week (non-consecutive days) and we recommend performing traditional cardio in between for 30-45 minutes per session. This isn’t something you would have to do forever but with eight weeks until the reveal, you have to stay committed to the process and your program.
I’ve never had a problem creating a workout program for a client. I have had troubles with that client actually performing the workout I created for them. It is a common personal training dilemma and something we as messy humans are quite good at doing.
Here’s the rub. If you want results, you have to work your program. End of story. However, if you only do a portion of the suggestions we give you, you can expect a comparable result. Let’s say you do 60% of the program we create for you over the next eight weeks. At the end of that time period, you could expect a 60% return on your investment. If you perform 80% of what we prescribe, you can expect a
result that would be 20% better.
Consistency is king and you absolutely get out of your program what you put into it.
Will you be happy at 60%? If you were doing nothing prior to this venture, my guess is yes, you will be happy but if you are really looking for a transformation, the closer you stick to 100% the happier you will be by the time Memorial Day weekend arrives.
There is a reason doctors “practice” medicine. Just because they know that a medicine should produce “X” result, the human body is a funny thing. Sometimes the medical result isn’t what they thought it would be despite that physician using all of their knowledge and the latest in medical technology.
Personal trainers practice fitness. You see we know that if you apply the above principles you will get a result but we cannot explain why two people who weigh the same and perform the exact same program can have completely different results. That is the beauty of both genetics and the human body.
What we do know without hesitation is that if you are consistent with a program and stick with it, you will get a result. What that result looks like remains to be seen but it will most assuredly contain elements of fat loss, improved strength and conditioning, greater aerobic capacity and firmer, more toned muscles.
A longtime client pointed out to be last week that the reason for his success is due to the fact Integrated Wellness Concepts provides the right info, structure, support and accountability that has enabled him to lose body fat and improve his conditioning. You can Google just about anything but you can’t get all of those benefits from a search engine.
We know that you have it in you to rock a two-piece this summer but you have to start now, apply the right principles in the right order and stay consistent over the next eight weeks.
If we can be a part of that process, we would love to work with you!