For myself, it is something that drives me and it is common to find me answering emails at 5:00am before I see our first wave of clients. I have learned the hard way that most people do not want their texts answered in the middle of the night. We now wait until later in the morning to reply. It also means answering texts and emails from our online clients until the time I drop off for the evening. We put in long days but we thrive on watching people like you achieve things they felt unreachable. We are sort of addicted to it.
You see, I want to be able to help you integrate concepts of health and wellness into your life for life. All of this depends on your goals, your readiness to make those changes, and your mindset at the time we start your journey. In fact, there are at least 101 different ways to make that happen.
Most people think that as a personal trainer in St. Louis, MO for the last 20 years and coaching people all over the globe, we would have developed a set formula for success. You might think that there is a blueprint that would allow everyone we touch to immediately find success…and you would be wrong.
Mainly because of the uncanny number of ways a person needs help. Physical wellness is just one piece of the puzzle. In order to find balanced wellness you need to take into consideration these eight dimensions:
1. Physical Wellness
2. Occupational Wellness
3. Environmental Wellness
4. Emotional Wellness
5. Financial Wellness
6. Spiritual Wellness
7. Intellectual Wellness
8. Social Wellness
Most people come to us because they want to lose weight and find that they cannot stay motivated or stay consistent with a program. What we find very quickly, in most cases, is that one or more of the eight dimensions listed above are out of whack. And when we are unbalanced, we cannot work the way we were meant to function. It is like a tire that is either under or overinflated; it simply will not roll the way it is supposed to.
The same can go for your personal trainer and wellness coach.
I never have trouble staying on top of my game for our clients and followers. My family on the other hand, has been close (at times) to punting me out of the house for everything from failing to put down my phone (I have to see what you are writing in regard to that question on Facebook asking how many pieces of fruit you eat per day and what kinds), answering emails, making social media posts and that is the easy stuff.
Like I said, I can always be on top of my game for you. I can be quite grouchy and introverted at the end of the day when I walk into my own home. It was making them miserable and I myself was not finding a lot of happiness outside of the work. I was also getting tired; Physically and mentally tired. Then the worst part happened. I dreaded going to work. I went through the motions. I was not happy
at all and I could not figure out why. Who knew the answer would be found in a game of recreational softball, better sleep and Wonder Woman.
You ever have plans to do something and at the last second dread going? That was me on the night I was to take my 11 year old to watch one of our clients play a softball game. Since Jason has been personal training with Integrated Wellness Concepts he has been driving the ball out of the park consistently and playing the defense of a man five years his junior. Knowing my son plays baseball he thought it would be fun for us to come up and watch him play. Only problem is the game didn’t start until 8:30pm.
I hem-hawed around and decided to go. It was the best decision I have made in a long time and I make a lot of decisions on a daily basis so that’s saying something. My son had a blast and I truly enjoyed watching all the hard work Jason puts into his workouts translate perfectly to the softball field. He went 4 for 4 with a single, double and two home runs.
I went to work the next day feeling slightly more motivated and a tad bit happier.
Two nights later it was date night. This is a big deal because date night happens about once every six months. With two boys in sports (whom we also coach), four businesses, two dogs and very little time to ourselves, we do not get out much. Both of us wanted to see the new Wonder Woman flick and it was a really great movie and a fun night.
I went to work the next day feeling even more motivated and a whole lot happier.
Finally, Saturday morning rolled around and I slept until 7:00am and didn’t get out of bed until 7:30am. This is incredibly momentous because I get up between 4:45 and 5:00am almost every day. All the great CEO’s in the world have this trait in common and I also subscribe to the early to bed, early to rise motto. That and I come from a long line of dairy farmers that got up at 3:30am on a daily basis so early mornings and hard works are in my DNA.
And most days I wake up with an idea for a blog to write, exercise programs to design or client emails to answer but not this morning.
I relaxed, drank some coffee and let the day come to me. Now eventually, I got around to some work related tasks but I didn’t get up before the sun to get them done. I felt great and the world did not end because I wasn’t working at 5:00am.
On Monday, I had tons of motivation, was darn near giddy and wanted to go to work. Let me repeat: I wanted to go to work. How many of you reading this can say that you wake up on Monday raring to get to the office?
My physical wellness is on point. So is my financial and occupational wellness. The areas that were shooting craps were my social, emotional and spiritual wellness. Just like the clients we help manage and find balanced wellness to become healthier, more productive
people, I was missing the mark on three out of the eight dimensions of wellness and three pretty big dimensions to boot.
Once I allowed myself to relax and have fun something amazing happened. I became better at my job and a whole heck of a lot more pleasant to be around. My family no longer wanted to kick me out and I began to enjoy life again.
Sometimes the answer is as simple as getting more sleep and having fun and while I cannot promise that is the right combination for you, I can promise that the health and wellness professionals at Integrated Wellness Concepts are master’s at helping you find your balance.
If we can be of assistance to you please reach out to us at 314-807- 8634.