Read Jeremy’s 8 tips he and his family utilized to stay fit and healthy while at the beach!
Determine your objective ahead of time: Beth and I worked out 5-6 days per week and ate very clean prior to vacation. This was NOT the goal when we arrived at the beach. Aside from having fun, our objective from was to do no harm and return weighing and looking the same (albeit more tan) as we did before we left; not to continue losing body fat or build muscle. One to two workouts per seven days will be enough for you to maintain your fitness level.
Scope out the local amenities: While the condo we stayed in did not have a fitness center, the local community center had a free fitness room which was a huge score! There were also well maintained biking paths that work well for cycling, walking and jogging. Before Jeremy gashed his foot in an unfortunate beach umbrella accident, He was performing HIIT Intervals at the fitness center 2 days/week and running once a week.
Strategically offset calorie intake: While we use the 85% Rule of clean eating at home, vacation isn’t quite so strict (why do rum runners have to be so delicious?). I used Designs for Health Whey Protein shakes every morning for breakfast and had light, healthy lunches to offset the…”other” calories consumed in the afternoon and evening. Hey, even trainers need to cut loose once in a while. There was also a large supply of fresh fruit and Designs for Health Paleo and PB Meal bars in the condo to snack on and get quality nutrition. On vacation, our 85% rule was probably the 65% Rule…but it is vacation and we made it a point to enjoy the local seafood but not eat junk 24/7.
Stick to your supplement routine: As previously stated, our nutrition wasn’t as solid as it is at home which made it very important to stick to our supplement routine which included these Design for Health products:
Twice Daily Multi Vitamin
Omega Avail Ultra Fish Oil
7-Keto (accelerates fat loss)
Probiotic Synergy (keeps your gut healthy)
Plan Active Activities: Over the two weeks I golfed three times and while this isn’t the same as running three miles, it is participating in moderate physical activity. One day we rented bikes which allowed us to tour the island and get some cardio as a family. We also walked the beach everyday looking for shells and fossilized shark teeth which kept us up and out of our beach chairs.
No gym?: If your beach destination doesn’t have a gym or you simply prefer exercising outdoors check out my beach exercise video and enjoy:
Sunscreen: Most people think they cannot get tan with a sunscreen of 30+. That is a myth. We use 50 on us and the kids and we are very, very tan. All sunscreen does is prevent burns and possibly something worse like skin cancer. Wear it and reapply often. Just because it says it is waterproof doesn’t mean it doesn’t wash off (something we all learned the hard way….ouch.)
After I gashed my foot, I wasn’t able to lift or run but was able to stick to my nutrition strategy, walk the beach with the help of some gauze & waterproof tape and sneak in one more round of golf (I had to adapt a little bit).
Our goal on vacation was to have fun but not come back with bad habits or expanding waist lines. Exercise and nutrition is a big part of who we are but it is also important to have balance and most importantly, some fun. Before you hit the beach, think about your vacation objectives, scope out the local fitness opportunities and consider your nutrition strategy. Plan these things out ahead of time and you will be very, very happy with your beach experience!
If you are interested in the products listed above or other Designs for Health supplements check out our e-store at