1. It helps transport fuel to working muscles while ushering away waste byproducts.
2. When you go to the bathroom, water helps get rid of metabolic waste products.
3. It helps digest your food.
4. It lubricates joints and cushions organs.
5. By sweating, water helps keeps you cool. (1 pound of sweat is equal to 275 calories burned)
6. It fills you up, helping to prevent overeating.
But the continuous question we are asked time and again is “how much water should I be drinking each day?” There are three ways to look at it so let’s break each one down individually!
The Old 64: Eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day has been the longstanding recommendation for proper hydration and is a great goal (especially if you drink very little water). The problem lies in the fact 64 ounces is not representative of the entire human population.
Use Division: The best way to personalize your hydration is to take your body weight and divide it in half. That figure will represent the number of ounces YOU need on a daily basis. If you weigh 100 pounds, you would need 50 ounces (not counting additional hydration for water lost during exercise or work). If you weigh 200 pounds, get ready to knock back 100 ounces of agua.
Just Drink: This theory is for the person who drinks little to no water each day and is probably terrified when considering the two options above. If you fall into this category the goal is to start small and slowly increase your water intake. For example, if you are a soda drinker consider replacing one 12
ounce soda with 12 ounces of water.
In our experience, the best way to get adequate water intake is to have it with you, so make sure you carry a water bottle with you wherever you go (to the office, gym, meetings, ballgame, etc). And if you want to determine if you have had enough water, just pay attention to your tinkle! When properly hydrated your urine should be clear to pale yellow in color. Yes, we know....Ewww, but it’s an effective test to determine hydration!
What are your strategies to get enough water throughout the day? Comment below and share your techniques for staying hydrated!