“circus workouts” to woo and attract new clients. Stuff like standing one legged on a bosu ball with a
dumbbell over their head while trying to catch a tennis ball with one eye closed. And people fall fr it.
Why? I suppose because it looks cool, innovative and cutting edge. In reality, it will do little to enhance
your performance and will most likely lead you to the emergency room. At Integrated Concepts we
have a rule: If the exercise you are performing will not benefit you in everyday life, boost performance
or is too risky for the client to perform safely, we do not perform that exercise. No matter how cool it
looks. Simple programs produce results and we are going to tell you why!
Let me start by saying that there are a lot of programs out there that will produce results if you:
A. Believe in the plan
B. Stick to the plan
Unfortunately most of us have exercise/nutrition A.D.D. and have great difficulty adhering to, believing
in or sticking with a specific program long enough to see results. However, fitness philosophies are
important. At IWC, we believe 100% in our philosophy so here it goes: Keep it simple. We focus on
workouts that focus on movement patterns, large muscle groups, interval training, recovery and
appropriate nutrition (which is an entirely different blog topic).
According to IWC personal trainer Nick Lape “I focus on movement patterns and work large muscle
groups first. We use all of our muscles on a daily basis so it makes sense to train them in the same
fashion. There is no need for fancy, convoluted programming when simple exercises in the right order
will do the trick every time.”
Are Nick’s workouts boring? Not a chance! Nick has an amazing following and a growing client base
because he understands that simple workouts produce results. Just understand that simple doesn’t
mean boring. He incorporates everything from slam balls, battle ropes, TRX, kettlebells and more. If
you are physically and mentally ready for those movements!
Secondly, the exercises you should be performing are relative to the condition you are in at the
moment. If you are brand new to exercise you probably shouldn’t be doing kettlebell work or high
impact movements. This doesn’t mean you won’t eventually perform these moves. I have women in
their 60’s doing kettlebell work but we have been training for years to get them in the condition where
they can safely perform these exercises. Many trainers will throw their entire repertoire at you to
impress you enough that you will train with them….whether you are ready for these workouts or not
(please refer to the segment on trips to the ER).
Finally, we have long- standing relationships with our clients but a BIG bonus of training with IWC is that
you will understand how to perform your workout whether you are training with us or on your own. We
don’t make our clients dependent on us by developing programs so complicated you feel overwhelmed,
lost or discouraged. If you are feeling those things a red flag should be going up because the last thing
you should be feeling in your workouts is overwhelmed, lost or discouraged. Those feelings typically
don’t fall in line with achieving your goals or sustaining lifestyle change. IWC trainers teach you how to
perform your current workout and then progress you appropriately as your conditioning improves.
If you are currently working out on a regular basis and aren’t seeing results we want to know why? If
you aren’t working out and are contemplating adding physical activity to your life, we want to help! No
matter where you are in your journey, the fitness professionals at IWC can help you create a program
that is simple, safe and produces results. Give us a call at 314-482-5796.
Call Nick at 314-482-5796 to schedule your session today!