help us lose weight.
The Keto diet is a very low carb diet similar to parts of the Atkins or other low-carb ways of eating. The diet drastically limits carbohydrates and replaces them with fats. This will cause your body to go into a state called Ketosis which makes your body very, very good at burning fat. This, in turn, can cause vast improvements in blood sugar and insulin levels, improve weight loss and believe it or not, may positively affect cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. But, going from your regular eating plan to Keto takes a transition period and some additional knowledge. Here are some tips you can use if you are planning to make the move to Keto.
1. Keep the net carbs to 20-30 per day:
If you do this you will get your body transitioned to burning fat vs. glucose for fuel.
This will take some practice and you becoming disciplined at reading food labels.
2. Ditch the junk:
If you have sugary treats in the house, get them out. Like way out.
You don’t need temptation as you make the transition.
3. Watch out for side effects:
As you make the transition there may be several days where you feel worse instead of better (mentally foggy, low energy levels, poor athletic performance, sleep problems and nausea).
If this happens boost your carb intake slightly and consider a product like Keto-Nootropic (see below).
4. Stay hydrated:
Drinking plenty of water will aid in the transition to the keto diet. Really, this is a good rule of thumb Keto or no Keto.
Divide your weight in half; that is the number of ounces you should be consuming each day (Ex: 150 pounds /2 = 75 ounces per day).
5. What to eat:
The top of the list includes items such as grass fed and wild animal proteins, healthy fats (Absolutely no trans fats), non-starchy vegetables, avocados, water, coffee or tea.
6. Supplement Smart:
Products like Designs For Health Keto-Nootropic is a great way to stay hydrated and boost energy as you make the transition to a low carb diet. Great tasting, this product helps support memory and mental clarity, enhances physical performance and helps
curb hunger. This product is available through Integrated Wellness Concepts HERE.
7. Exercise:
You are probably doing Keto because you want to lose weight or improve your health and regular exercise is a key component to both. Time limited? Consider a High Intensity Interval Training program (HIIT) to maximize the time you have and boost results.
8. Think ahead:
Like any nutrition plan, you need to think about meal planning/prep, finding recipes and how to stay on track
with your Keto diet when traveling or forced to eat out at restaurants.
Keto or not, this is a staple to being successful with any nutritional change, program or lifestyle.
If you plan to implement this diet, we encourage you to have a conversation with your physician or a registered dietitian. While there are certainly many benefits to the Keto diet, it is always a good idea to cover your bases to make sure it is the right plan for you.
Are you currently doing the Keto diet? We would love to hear how it is working for you!
Leave a comment below and share your experience!
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