Step 1: Get your preliminary calories burnt: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday represent a HUGE opportunity to implement quality workouts. It doesn’t matter if it is Spinning, Zumba, a solitary jog or a strength/interval session; just plan out your activities for the 1st three days of the week!
Step 2: If there ever was a time to practice the 85% rule it is this week. The 85% rule is simply making the best food choice possible 85% of the time so when presented with something decadent and delicious it can’t really harm you. Want to use the 90% rule Mon-Wed? That is fine, too. The idea is
“clean eating” where you will focus on fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, lean proteins and healthy fats.
Step 3: We are asking you to be proactive on Thanksgiving. Almost every town or municipality will be hosting a turkey day 5K event and a lot of gyms are hosting special Thanksgiving workouts. Even if you can’t make it the gym or don’t want to race, lace up the shoes and go for a 30-45 minute walk or run in the morning to offset calories you will be consuming later in the day!
Step 4: Shake it up! I am a BIG fan of using protein shakes for a quick and convenient breakfast but on Turkey Day we are going to do two shakes: One for breakfast and one for lunch. Add some fruit in between and drink plenty of water! The brand we love at Integrated Wellness Concepts is Designs for
Health Whey Cool (high-quality protein from grass-fed, GMO-free sources) and can be ordered on our website at
Step 5: Don’t pick around food but stay away from what you know. Often times we will pick around the dinner/dessert table in an attempt to not eat a specific item. The problem is we nibble on useless stuff like cheese and crackers and at the end of the day, eat what we were avoiding in the first place. We suggest going ahead and eating what you want. Simply eat the foods you want in moderation but try to avoid the “normal” foods you eat all the time…. like cheese and crackers.
Step 6: Know when to stop. The Hunger-Satiety scale is a great tool that can help you determine when enough is enough. We would like you to stay around a 5 or 6 on the scale which would be comfortable, neither hungry nor full. If you find yourself between 7-10, you have overeaten and did not listen to your body.
Follow this 7 step process and you will be ready to roll on T-Day.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
November 24-28
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