on stage and will use this blog to focus on fitness. Meanwhile, I want to show you how making tiny,
calculated changes to your workout and nutrition can cause BIG results!
#1 Embrace the Principle of Overload: Fitness improvements are made when you stress or overload your
muscles. If you perform a biceps curl with a 5lbs. dumbbell and fatigue between 8-12 reps, you have
selected the right intensity. If you can perform 20+ reps with that same poundage, consider increasing
the weight. Once you no longer stress the muscles your results slow to a screeching halt. Translation?
If you are doing the same weights, reps, exercises that you did 6 months ago, it’s time to mix it up.
#2 Recovery: Did you know that if you get less than 5 hours of sleep for 4 consecutive nights your brain
will perform as if you are intoxicated? Yep, sleep is that important. When you are in the gym you are
breaking muscle down. When you sleep, your body repairs itself. Shoot for 7-7 1⁄2 hours each night. Oh,
and if you get too little sleep your body produces more of a hormone that makes you crave carbs. Get
some sleep!
#3 Recovery part II: If you strength train the same muscles in consecutive workouts they will not have
time to recover and you can actually produce a negative result. If you perform total body workouts
or take group strength classes like Body Pump consider replacing one of those workouts with a cardio
workout like Spinning or Zumba.
#4 Re-Fuel: Want to double your results? Consume 10-20 grams of a high quality protein and 20-30
grams of a complex, low glycemic carbohydrate within 30-60 minutes of your workout. Trust me. It’s
been proven in numerous studies. Want results? Make sure to re-fuel after your workouts.
#5 Small meals & snacks: Breakfast should be within 30 minutes of waking up. After that, eat like a
baby! This means having a meal or small snack every 3-4 hours. Each meal/snack should contain both
protein and a complex carbohydrate. Just about the time you start to get hungry, fuel up. You will find
that it will help prevent overeating at lunch and dinner.
Need some help personalizing your workout? Throughout September Fitness
Consultations are only $59 (normally $99). To schedule your session call Jeremy at 314-807-8634.